“Mr. & Mrs. Stevenson…I want to prepare you.  Your son was without oxygen for a considerable…um, concerning amount of time.  It is likely he will experience some level of brain damage. There were also complications relating to the intubation attempt. It is likely Bryan will not be able to speak due to vocal cord damage.”

These were the words that greeted my parents post-op at St. Joseph Hospital in Reading, Pennsylvania the spring of 1975. As an 18-month-old, I had contracted a deadly virus that resulted in a completely obstructed airway and an emergency surgery.  

During this ordeal, two miraculous events took place.  

The first event was needing to be revived after flat-lining on the operating table. With a team of nine doctors frantically attempting to save my life, there was fleeting hope for a complete recovery. I believe a miracle took place in the minds and hands of this team of doctors.

The second event was an answer to the heartfelt prayers of a mother & father in the waiting room. My parents were young in their faith. My mother had a vision of Jesus Christ presiding over the events in the operating room. She felt a peace that she couldn’t explain.  The peace came from His words to her: "Bryan will be okay. I have a plan for him!”  She held onto this vision as they continued to pray.

After my parents heard the words “I want to prepare you” from the doctor, they continued to hold onto the peace they felt in the waiting room. What happened next could be looked at as a third miracle, I suppose. After another month in the hospital – one filled with silent laughter (I had a tracheotomy and could make no audible noises), hiding from nurses and doctors, being carried around by the resident Catholic Priest (Father Philip), and generally endearing myself to the staff as a lively, precocious not-quite-two-year-old – I was released.

And I did grow up. I grew up singing in the church, memorizing lines for musicals, excelling in sports and academics, joining my first band at 15 after teaching myself guitar, graduating Salutatorian and President of my Senior Class then embarking on a dual major at a State College before dropping out to become a rockstar, all while waiting for the brain damage and muteness to kick in.

Not bad for a kid that shouldn’t be able to talk or have a normal intelligence level.

The reason I want to share my story is simple.  YOU were created on purpose! There is a plan for you! I hope that by reading this – and maybe requesting some songs – that you are blessed and encouraged. I pray that you have a growing sense of hope.  

Thanks for your time! And thanks for reading this!

If you would like to hear more about hope or this story - you have my number!

Blessings to you!


would you like to send me a note? text 717-383-1669